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Friday, November 11, 2011

New Scientific Method and Relativity

 Cafaro et al., just posted a paper: 1111.2348. They address the issue of how to reconcile Quantum Mechanics with Relativity. Of course Paul Dirac, did this many years ago, we have the so-called Dirac equation. The point is that the new ideas of Quantum Information, leave us a bit confused on how to make all that relativistic.

I find this relevant to my effort to state a New Scientific Method.

In my view there are two tasks, first to incorporate digital computers in the very essence of the Scientific Method: If you cannot program it, you don't understand it, as professor David Deutsch states in his new book, The Beginning of Infinity.

The second task is to define Physics, as the method to get mathematics to fit experimental data, no less and no more. If the booth fits ...

Along these lines of thought, how do I get ALL information tools to be relativistic?

I don't expect this to be possible, nevertheless, in every case, given the measurement situation, I will try to get the best fit, consistent with relativistic principles. If not successful in the relativization of the algorithm, so be it. Until and unless, I get a measurement, that seems to cry for a relativistic description, I will apply the idea again, the relativistic one should fit better, if not, I will be willing to put off relativity, for a better occasion, i.e., when it is needed to fit.

All this seems very ad-hoc; in my defense, I can only say, that given the powerful computers, and measurement instruments at our disposal today, we will manage.

The main point of my proposal is to make explicit, and thus understandable, the nature of the Scientific Method. What do we actually do?

Fit data.

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