Geoffrey Chew has a new paper. I was lucky enough to hear him talk at UCSB in the middle 70s. Then, Gell-Mann won. Nevertheless one of Chew's descendants, Edward Witten , has kept the good fight.
I vote for Strings!
"There is no ‘Schrödinger cat’—only a ‘cat’."
You gotta love Chew!
Dan Klein
Dan Klein (PhD Stanford, MSt Oxford, BA Cornell) is an associate professor of computer science at the University of California, Berkeley. His research focuses on natural language processing and using computational methods to automatically acquire models of human languages. Examples include large–scale systems for language understanding, information extraction, and machine translation, as well as computational linguistics projects, such as the reconstruction of ancient languages. One of his best–known results was to show that human grammars can be learned by statistical methods. He also led the development of the Overmind, a galaxy–dominating, tournament–winning agent for the game of Starcraft. Academic honors include a Marshall Fellowship, a Microsoft Faculty Fellowship, a Sloan Fellowship, an NSF CAREER award, the ACM Grace Murray Hopper award for his work on grammar induction, and best paper awards at the ACL, NAACL, and EMNLP conferences.