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Monday, March 12, 2012

The Information Law

Physics categories recapitulate human consciousness. Eyes allowed animals to move mass more efficiently, Bejan's Constructal Law, clearly states that flow produces conditions for better flow, in an evolutionary theory of natural pattern formation, time acquires a direction, a so-called arrow of time, when the river beds become better and better at moving water from point A to point B.

Before eyes, used by animals to better move fluids, rivers were moving water in huge rivers all over the world. Drops formed, and found their most efficient way down, guided by the Earth's gravity field without eyes. Before eyes then, we had two physics categories: Mass and motion. Motion is associated by humans, with three dimensional space and one dimensional time.

Another category has to be added, namely Information.

It is not enough to only answer; what moves? we also need to answer how it moves? The answer to the first question is mass, and  the answer to the second is; it moves according to Newton's Laws. Actually I believe we also have to answer; how does mass finds the path? Newton just postulated a mysterious action at a distance, a force moves mass at a distance. The only force he proposed was Gravity, which goes as:

$$F = - \frac{GMm}{r^2}$$


Now Bejan leads us a step ahead, how does the fluid "know", how to move, Bejan says, follow the path of easier movement, changing that path all the time, in an evolutionary way. This is new. Nobody I know, has stated it so well.

Now I say: A new Physics category is Information. Information is the pattern in space-time that matter follows. There is a field marking the path which the fluid will take. More precisely, the pattern made by moving matter is an Information field, telling the fluid which way to go.

I do not know the nature of fields. Physicists have identified four fields: Gravity, Electromagnetic, Weak Nuclear, and Strong Nuclear, in the so-called Standard Model. To be exact Gravity does not fit in the Standard Model yet, but after the recent detection of the Higgs Particle (it may be made official this Summer), invented by François Englert, and my Professor Robert Brout, the only loose end for a theory of the four forces or fields is Gravity.

We only have an abstract description of these forces, but I do not know what they are made of, I even feel that the question is not well posed, they may not be made of anything, the only thing we know is that matter follows paths: therefore I prefer to think of this Information Field, and Professor Bejan has taken the first step as to its nature with his Constuctal Law.

Read the Book.

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