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Monday, March 5, 2012

Sofia Wilen, Design in Nature and All That

Professor Adrian Bejan has discovered a fundamental principle of Nature. He calls it "The Constructal Law." We can see an example in Highway 12, not far from Duke University where he works. Read the NYT article here. You can find the book here. I am reading it right now.

Here I write my thoughts so far.

Why Sofia Wilen?

I looked for her picture online some time ago, and I posted it here. It seems to me that she, or her friends are intent on suppressing her picture from my site, I can only speculate on the reasons; but I found it and posted it again.

The information, in this case her picture, has been appearing and disappearing from my site. According to Professor Bejan, as I understand his theory at this point in my studies, flow and pattern go together. Flow not only obeys two Thermodynamic Laws, - The Law of Conservation of Energy, and what is called the Second Law - but also a New Law, one which he calls, "The Constructal Law, " I paraphrase it here:  The flow of extended objects, produces changes to the environment. The result of these changes is to improve the flow. In other words, they produce their own path, they produce structure. In short, matter moves, and that motion makes a path. Of course then the path changes the flow, in a never ending Thermodynamic Process, that shapes the Universe we live in. Einstein discovered a similar, but more abstract principle, almost a hundred years ago, in 1916. He said, matter curves space, and space moves matter; or as John Archibald Wheeler used to say: Matter Tells Space How to Curve, and Space Tells Matter How to Move.

Wilen's picture changes my website. I try to put it there, and somebody, or something, is trying to take it off from there. The flow of information depends on the html marks I put, and the marks in other sites. The end result is that the Noosphere is morphing as you read this. We are witnessing the fastest change in our history, the Noosphere change. The Sea Level in North Carolina is changing as well, and the people whose livelihood depends on that level, are doing everything they can to keep it as it was. They made money with the old sea level; the new one is costing them.

If any businessman from Rodanthe N.C. is reading this, and wonders on her or his course of action, she or he, can consult me. At this point now, they can get a more professional assessment from Professor Bejan at Durham N.C.. Do not waste your time putting more sandbags. Those won't work, I can tell you that much.

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